Sergey Tumanov

Sergey Tumanov

Internet resource editor
1867 articles

Editor of the online publication Belnovosti, specializing in covering news on politics, society, economics and social issues, sports and culture news, incidents, lifestyle, family and relationships, beauty and health, healthy eating, technology, useful tips, pets, cooking and gardening, astrology.

In journalism since 2003. Higher education, BSU. Worked as an editor-in-chief of the magazines "Imperia Napitkov", "Kumpyachok", "Molochny Produkt", "Bakaleiny Ryad", "Restaurantny Biznes", "Pishchevik.BY". In the online publication "Belnovosti" since 2016.

I really enjoy design and interior design, as it helps me express my individuality and creativity. Another passion of mine is cooking, as cooking is a kind of art that allows me to create real masterpieces. I also really enjoy spending time outdoors, gardening and enjoying nature. I can’t help but mention my love for animals, as I believe they make our lives much happier. Last but not least, I love giving useful advice and am happy to share it with anyone who wants it.


All articles by the author:


Have you tried everything, but the worms keep coming back? Garden Secrets magazine has discovered a shocking fact: the culprit is not your raspberries, but your strawberries!

Sergey Tumanov raspberry growing raspberries raspberry harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025

"The secret of Dodo Pizza dough is neither yeast nor flour," said the chain's technologist, Alexey Ivanov, in an interview with Forbes. It turns out, it's all about ordinary...mayonnaise!

Sergey Tumanov pizza pizza recipe culinary life hacks cooking and recipes Cooking 16 February 2025

While summer residents argue about the depth of holes and fertilizers, Siberian old-timers collect a bucket of potatoes from a bush.

Sergey Tumanov growing potatoes planting potatoes planting potatoes Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025

Imagine your tomatoes ripening in two weeks instead of a month, and the greenery on your windowsill turning into a dense forest in a matter of days.

Sergey Tumanov growing plants dacha and garden plants useful tips and life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025
KFC chicken

The trick is in the two-stage frying, which was invented by Colonel Sanders himself.

Sergey Tumanov KFC food chicken delicious recipes recipes Cooking 16 February 2025
French fries

You've probably heard a hundred times that McDonald's French fries are just frozen convenience food. But why is it that they never turn out the same at home?

Sergey Tumanov McDonald's delicious fried potatoes French fries delicious recipes Cooking 16 February 2025

Are you sure your windows are the perfect place for seedlings? It turns out that 9 out of 10 gardeners ruin young plants without even noticing it.

Sergey Tumanov growing seedlings healthy seedlings home seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025

Have you heard your partner slamming the bathroom door to stifle their sobs? Or going to the garage to "fix their bike" after every argument? You're not alone.

Sergey Tumanov family psychology women in relationships female psychology Love and Family 16 February 2025

They are not superstitious. They are not collectors. But if you look in the pocket of Elon Musk or Anna Wintour, you will probably find an ordinary paper clip.

Sergey Tumanov psychology of success how to attract success secrets of success Useful tips 15 February 2025

Have you ever wondered why chefs in expensive restaurants cut onions without shedding a single tear?

Sergey Tumanov garlic food cooking culinary life hacks Useful tips 15 February 2025

Bio Garden magazine published a sensation: 95% of summer residents do not even suspect where the enemy is hiding.

Sergey Tumanov raspberry growing raspberries raspberry harvest raspberry care Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 February 2025