growing vegetables


Imagine: you come to your plot, and instead of the grueling digging of beds, you drink tea in a hammock.

Elena Shimanovskaya garden vegetables growing plants beds Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2025

On tiny plots, Chinese farmers are harvesting record crops – 5-7 times more than Europeans. How do they do it?

Sergey Tumanov tips for gardeners beds garden and harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025

If you have been growing strawberries for more than one year, you will know that this crop requires care not only for itself, but also after itself.

Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry vegetables harvest garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 January 2025

Modern city dwellers do not always have access to fresh and natural products. Perhaps that is why more and more people are thinking about creating their own mini-garden.

Elena Shimanovskaya garden garden on the windowsill vegetables green Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 December 2024

Summer residents were told 4 crops that can be sown for seedlings as early as January - but there are some nuances.

Igor Zur advice for summer residents tomato seedlings seedlings at home sowing Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 December 2024

Not all summer residents take advantage of the opportunity to sow vegetables before winter, and, frankly speaking, their behavior is understandable: there is always a risk that the seeds will not sprout, which means that the efforts made will be in vain.

Elena Shimanovskaya vegetables winter sowing garden winter planting Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 November 2024
Onion Saucepan

Leeks grow well in fertile, well-drained soils - what else do you need to know about this vegetable?

Igor Zur growing onions advice for summer residents fertile soil plant care Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 April 2024

This procedure helps speed up the process of crop germination. It will not be superfluous in the case when the seeds have a dense shell.

Olga Kotova seeds growing garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 February 2024
Summer house, vegetable garden

Every gardener knows that in order to get a quality harvest, certain rules must be followed. One of the main ones is the crop rotation rule, which consists of alternating crops in the beds.

Olga Kotova plants vegetables garden and vegetable garden, dacha the all-rounder Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2024

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time and effort in the garden, but still want to grow your own crops in the beds, then you should pay attention to fairly unpretentious crops that require minimal care.

Olga Kotova vegetables plants dacha and garden growing Records and anti-records 14 February 2024

If you don't have your own garden, but still want to grow your own vegetables, you can easily fulfill this desire. All you need is a balcony and a bucket. The latter will serve as an excellent bed.

Olga Kotova plants growing life hacks dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 February 2024

Every gardener wants to collect the first harvest from the beds as early as possible. This is possible if you start planting crops for seedlings now.

Olga Kotova vegetables growing seedlings seedling plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 January 2024