country house


Even though the cold weather is approaching, there are still a few chores around the dacha that can be completed in October.

Elena Shimanovskaya October cleaning the territory repair garden tool Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 October 2024
At home

Many people use their summer cottages as a place to store unused things that they don’t want to throw away.

Elena Shimanovskaya comfort home comfort things for the dacha Designer's tips Design and interior 17 September 2024

Copper sulfate destroys spores of late blight and other pests, and also disinfects the soil and surfaces of the greenhouse.

Sergey Tumanov Top news greenhouse Phytophthora copper sulfate Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 August 2024

Summer residents were told how to use horseradish in the garden to good effect - against pests, diseases and as a fertilizer.

Igor Zur tips for gardeners pest control fight against diseases plant processing Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 August 2024

The fruits on your neighbor's tree, including those on branches hanging onto your property, are the property of your neighbors.

Timur Khomichev trees harvest neighbors neighborhood Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 August 2024
country house

Many have heard that in Germany it is forbidden to spend the night in summer cottages, but few people know why.

Timur Khomichev Germany Germany News ban bans in europe People and Events 23 July 2024

One of the main uses of brilliant green in the garden is the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases.

Sergey Tumanov Top news plants green life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 July 2024

Gardeners are using the power of baking soda to grow thriving gardens and produce bountiful harvests.

Sergey Tumanov Top news plants baking soda life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 July 2024

In order for the plants to continue to develop, they need to be fed and watered on time.

Sergey Tumanov Top news beds summer work Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 July 2024