Irga has long won the love of gardeners not only for its unpretentiousness, but also for its ability to turn a plot into a source of vitamins.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants what to plant in the country useful plants berries Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Imagine a garden where every flowerbed is a trap, and the scent of flowers masks a deadly threat.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants poisonous poisonous plants dangerous plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025If you want your neighbors to secretly envy your harvest, look for the secret not in newfangled fertilizers, but in the forgotten advice of Ivan Michurin, which he gave back in 1937.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees fruit trees advice for summer residents tree Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025This spring could be a real challenge for gardeners.
Elena Shimanovskaya mice mice at the dacha rodents pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025It seems that pests are always one step ahead: fruits grown with love turn into a breeding ground for worms.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees fruit trees tree protection pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Imagine investing time and money into landscaping, only to discover a month later that the plants are dying, the paths are sagging, and the pool is in the wrong place.
Elena Shimanovskaya plot landscape design design plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Imagine a product that will turn pale leaves into luscious greenery, make roses bloom like crazy, and strawberries become sweeter than honey.
Elena Shimanovskaya garden plants salt advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025If you're still picking tiny, 2-gram fruits from your raspberry bushes, it's time to change something.
Elena Shimanovskaya raspberry raspberry care growing raspberries berries Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Excessive use of industrial fertilizers for a cherry orchard can lead to the branches drying out along with dreams of juicy berries.
Elena Shimanovskaya cherry trees fertilizing fruit trees fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025You might not even realize it, but improper pruning can lead to the death of trees, even if they were completely healthy before the procedure.
Elena Shimanovskaya pruning tree pruning trees summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 February 2025Old pallets gathering dust in garages are not trash, but free material for creating a unique landscape design.
Elena Shimanovskaya design landscape design ideas plot Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 February 2025In the shade of centuries-old apple and pear trees, not only the memory of past harvests is preserved, but also the chance for a new beginning.
Elena Shimanovskaya tree pruning tree care trees for summer cottages Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2025Growing tons of vegetables without a gram of chemicals is not science fiction, but a reality that has been kept silent about for decades.
Elena Shimanovskaya garden harvest increasing crop yields advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2025Have you noticed how some apple trees are bursting with fruit, while others are withering even in a good year?
Elena Shimanovskaya apple apple tree feeding trees apples Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 February 2025Peonies are the real kings of the garden, which can look luxurious both alone and in the company of other plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers peonies flowers peonies flower bed Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025Lilac, raspberry or rosehip bushes can ruin a plot for years, producing new shoots.
Elena Shimanovskaya bushes shrubs plants advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025In the 1970s, Soviet scientists discovered a plant that made roses bloom so abundantly that collective farmers called it “green doping.”
Valeria Kisternaya advice for summer residents roses plants secrets Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025If blooming flora doesn’t fit into the style, choose plain greenery.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news hi-tech style plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 February 2025It will come as no news to anyone that each tree has its own energy.
Elena Shimanovskaya Rowan trees folk signs superstition Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 February 2025"Plastic watering bottles are the silent killer of your roses!
Valeria Kisternaya advice for summer residents beds garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 February 2025