During mulching, the soil under the plants, between the rows and around the tree trunks is covered with special materials.
Elena Shimanovskaya mulching soil mulching mulch garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 January 2025Some manipulations with trees in the garden cause damage to their bark.
Elena Shimanovskaya recipe plants trees crust Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 January 2025For trees in the garden, proper care in winter is crucial.
Valeria Kisternaya snow loosening trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 January 2025You can't surprise anyone with exotic things in gardens.
Valeria Kisternaya felt cherry advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 January 2025The codling moth, despite its telling name, destroys the harvest of not only apples, but also other fruits.
Elena Shimanovskaya pests fruits pest control pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 December 2024We tell you why moles appear on your property and how to get rid of them.
Timur Khomichev moles on the site garden country house plot Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 December 2024Some seemingly beautiful plants are real monsters at heart, which compete for space, water and food with other crops, spread to neighboring areas, and destroy foundations and buildings.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees plants capture seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 December 2024Trees that are rotting are subject to removal, since their transition to the status of hazardous trees is a matter of time.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees treatment seedlings plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 December 2024The first thing any self-respecting summer resident should do after heavy snowfall is to visit his property.
Elena Shimanovskaya snow snowfall vegetable garden under snow garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 December 2024When choosing trees to plant on your property, you should take into account not only their appearance and ability to bear fruit, but also the possible risks associated with them.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees lightning dangerous plants what trees can not be planted Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 November 2024Every gardener should know that the lack of leaf fall is a sign that the tree has not had time to prepare for winter.
Elena Shimanovskaya leaves trees fallen leaves Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 November 2024It often happens that due to their busy schedules, summer residents miss the right time to whitewash trees.
Elena Shimanovskaya whitewashing trees whiter trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 November 2024If in the fall you have collected much less fruit in your garden than you expected, you should definitely look for the cause so that this situation does not repeat itself in the new season.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees fruit trees harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 November 2024If you want your garden to be filled with the sounds of birds, you'll have to put in a little work.
Elena Shimanovskaya birds shrubs plants birds at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 November 2024Not all gardeners want to have grandma's roses, petunias in pots and tulips in flower beds growing on their plot.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants flowers growing Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 November 2024If the water on your site is close to the soil surface, then before planting fruit trees, you should prepare high mounds.
Elena Shimanovskaya water trees fruit trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 November 2024The forest is a real treasure trove of useful things that can be used during gardening work on a summer cottage.
Elena Shimanovskaya month moss in the garden garden advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 November 2024Experienced gardeners remind us: in the fall, it is absolutely necessary to carry out eradication treatment - the harvest in the next season directly depends on it.
Elena Shimanovskaya processing garden processing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 October 2024Not everyone knows why fallen apples should be removed.
Marina Michalap apples advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 September 2024In anticipation of the cold weather, pests actively look for reliable shelters for wintering. As a rule, for this purpose they choose fruit trees and bushes, where they can wait out the frosts.
Elena Shimanovskaya processing garden processing autumn Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 September 2024