Probably, not a single summer resident who grows crops on his plot treats hares as cute animals. These creatures are rather perceived by gardeners as toothy pests capable of causing serious damage.
Elena Shimanovskaya pests pest control rodents plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 December 2024Snails often leave summer residents without a harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya pests pest control products pest control folk recipes Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 December 2024Many people think that empty plastic bottles are just trash. But experienced gardeners think completely differently.
Kurchev Anton slimy summer cottage tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 August 2024How to protect a plant from whitefly, Colorado potato beetle and spider mite?
Kurchev Anton eggplant means mustard powder tobacco dust Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 June 2024How to protect your plot from wireworms using three useful plants.
Igor Zur pests marigold the best green manure tips for gardeners Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 May 2024Some plants have a special aroma that onion flies don't like.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents pests onion harvest neighborhood of vegetables Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 May 2024One way to combat rodents is to plant plants that repel rats with their aroma.
Igor Zur pest control rodents useful plants dacha in spring Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 May 2024If the onion is affected by such a dangerous fungal disease as downy mildew (this disease is also called “false powdery mildew”), then it is unlikely that the crop will be saved.
Kurchev Anton growing onions onion fly fungal diseases advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2024