fungal diseases


A fungal disease known among gardeners as powdery mildew, it affects fruit trees, berry bushes, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, carrots, peppers, many flowers... There is probably no need to continue.

Elena Shimanovskaya powdery mildew fight against diseases plant diseases garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 September 2024

Cats should not sleep in the same bed with their owner - they can share parasites or infect with microsporia.

Igor Zur cat in the apartment cat health Tips for cat owners mistakes Pets 29 January 2024

Fighting fungal diseases of fruit trees is a complex process. Every gardener wants to avoid the corresponding activity without losing the harvest.

Kurchev Anton fruit trees salt solution struggle advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 January 2024

If the onion is affected by such a dangerous fungal disease as downy mildew (this disease is also called “false powdery mildew”), then it is unlikely that the crop will be saved.

Kurchev Anton growing onions pest control onion fly advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2024