A white coating on the leaves of phlox may appear if the plant is infected with powdery mildew.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers cope with powdery mildew plant diseases folk remedies Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 January 2025The saving grace is... ordinary baking soda.
Kurchev Anton baking soda currant gooseberry cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 December 2024Probably not a single summer resident has ever managed to escape from such a scourge as powdery mildew.
Elena Shimanovskaya plant diseases plants garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 November 2024Ideally, flowers covered with a white coating should be removed from your site, as this is a clear sign of powdery mildew.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers cope with powdery mildew Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 November 2024Not everyone knows how to make an excellent remedy against powdery mildew.
Marina Michalap cope with powdery mildew soda at the dacha advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 October 2024Few people know that powdery mildew can be cured with rotted hay and ash.
Marina Michalap use of ash hay advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 October 2024A fungal disease known among gardeners as powdery mildew, it affects fruit trees, berry bushes, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, carrots, peppers, many flowers... There is probably no need to continue.
Elena Shimanovskaya fungal diseases fight against diseases plant diseases garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 September 2024With the help of a proven remedy, you can definitely cope with powdery mildew.
Marina Michalap cope with powdery mildew cucumber diseases Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 August 2024Not everyone knows why cucumbers get powdery mildew.
Marina Michalap cucumber diseases growing cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 August 2024Baking soda is famous for its versatility.
Kurchev Anton baking soda soda at the dacha gooseberry zucchini Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 July 2024Fungicides and folk remedies are used to combat the disease.
Sergey Tumanov Top news plants currant diseases cope with powdery mildew Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 July 2024Summer residents were told a harmless folk remedy for treating powdery mildew.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents treatment for diseases cucumber diseases summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 July 2024If you want to get a noticeable result from growing gooseberries on your plot (in the form of berries, of course), you will have to think about how to protect it from powdery mildew.
Elena Shimanovskaya gooseberry prevention plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 June 2024Not everyone knows how to combat powdery mildew and late blight with iodine.
Marina Michalap Phytophthora fight against diseases use of iodine Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 June 2024Not all summer residents know how to save cucumbers from powdery mildew.
Marina Michalap cucumber diseases advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 March 2024Not everyone knows how to protect strawberries from powdery mildew.
Marina Michalap strawberry feeding Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2024We tell you how to protect cabbage from powdery mildew.
Timur Khomichev cabbage Growing Cabbage basil Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 January 2024The crop is particularly vulnerable to such a fungal disease as powdery mildew.
Kurchev Anton gooseberry kefir means Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 January 2024