Why does a white coating appear on phlox leaves and how to deal with it: gardeners keep these recipes a secret

25.01.2025 10:15

A white coating on the leaves of phlox may appear if the plant is infected with powdery mildew.

According to the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, ideally such flowers should be removed from your plot out of sight, and if the infection constantly affects a certain variety in your flowerbed, then it is worth finding a replacement for it.

But gardeners who are sensitive to their work believe that the disease can and should be fought, and use folk remedies for this purpose, the recipes for which you will find below.

Infusion of hay dust

To prepare this composition, you will need, as the name suggests, 1 kg of hay and exactly 3 liters of water. After you pour water over the hay, you need to leave it for 3 days, and after this time, strain it and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.

To increase the effectiveness, 5 g of copper sulfate is sometimes added to 10 liters of the finished solution.

Photo: © Belnovosti

An infusion of hay dust is used to spray phloxes once a week. A total of at least 3 procedures are required.

Solution of soda ash

A 1% solution must be prepared from water and washing soda by mixing both components.

It, like the previous version, is used for spraying diseased flowers. During the summer, 3 treatments are carried out at intervals of 8-12 days.

Copper soap solution

To test the effectiveness of this composition, it must, of course, be prepared. This is done as follows: first, approximately 250 g of green soap is dissolved in 5 liters of water, and in another 5 liters – 20-25 g of copper sulfate. After that, both liquids are mixed to obtain a bluish-white solution.

Spraying phloxes against powdery mildew is done every week 2-3 times, in other words, every 8 days.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Infusion of hay dust
  2. Solution of soda ash
  3. Copper soap solution