Not everyone knows how garlic and wormwood can help defeat aphids in one treatment.
Marina Michalap aphid aphid control Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 August 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate that it is time to harvest garlic.
Marina Michalap garlic harvest garlic Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 July 2024Not everyone knows why experienced gardeners twist garlic leaves into a knot at a certain stage of the crop’s development.
Marina Michalap garlic growing garlic garlic care Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 March 2024Not all gardeners know how to use garlic peel with maximum benefit.
Marina Michalap advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 January 2024Not everyone knows how to properly use garlic in the garden.
Marina Michalap Uses of garlic pest control garlic country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 December 2023