Latest news for March 13, 2024


If you want roses in your garden to delight you with lush and long flowering, then you should choose the right place for them.

Olga Kotova roses roses at the dacha how to grow roses garden and vegetable garden, dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden

We'll tell you what to add to the water when boiling potatoes so that they don't overcook.

Timur Khomichev potatoes potato boiling potatoes boiling potatoes life hacks with soda Cooking

We explain why you should give up the habit of diluting tea with cold water.

Timur Khomichev tea cooling tea cooling tea diluting tea diluting tea with water Cooking

Moving is a tiring task that requires a lot of effort and time. The main difficulty is that it is important to pack things correctly so as not to forget or lose anything. Therefore, you should remember a few useful rules before you start packing your suitcases.

Olga Kotova moving things useful tips and life hacks life hacks Useful tips

Decorating a children's room is a real art, because every detail is important. Particular attention should be paid to the right color, choice of wallpaper.

Olga Kotova wallpaper wallpaper in the interior children's room repair Design and interior

A cynologist has listed dog breeds that are best not to get if you don’t have the relevant experience.

Igor Zur dog training board canine dog care mistakes dog breeds Pets

Tasty and sweet bananas are healthy fruits that should be in your diet. The fact is that the fruits are rich in B vitamins, as well as potassium, which is especially useful for the health of the heart muscle.

Olga Kotova health healthy products bananas fruits benefits of bananas Diets
Man Boat

Chinese scientists have found that slim people have every chance of living to a ripe and healthy old age.

Igor Zur China research by scientists ideal figure excess weight heart disease China News Beauty and health

The dish will be more tender and appetizing if you replace the milk in the dough with yogurt.

Olga Kotova pancakes making pancakes how to make pancakes yogurt dishes Cooking