Few flowers love wood ash as much as roses.
Timur Khomichev roses ash wood ash how to grow roses Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 February 2025Roses do not always manage to survive the winter without consequences.
Timur Khomichev roses Rose care flowers flower care Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2025Blackened and browned rose stems, covered with mold, white coating or reddish spots, are a typical sign that the plants have rotted.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses shelter for roses flowers plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 January 2025Winter is a challenging time for gardeners. They have many responsibilities on their shoulders, and protecting plants from the cold is one of them.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses shelter shelter for roses covering plants for the winter Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2025How to prepare and treat roses before covering them for the winter and how to choose the right material.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers covering plants for the winter dacha in autumn pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 November 2024An incorrect approach to covering roses for the winter leads to the bush rotting.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents plant care mistakes of summer residents winter at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 September 2024Not everyone knows how to properly care for roses in September.
Marina Michalap roses growing roses Rose care in September Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 September 2024While all summer residents know about the importance of watering and fertilizing, choosing a place that is ideal for roses can be a problem.
Kurchev Anton roses draft advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 August 2024Roses are beautiful looking flowers, often one of the main decorations of a country plot. But the condition of the bushes can deteriorate sharply due to aphids.
Kurchev Anton roses laundry soap aphid protection Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 April 2024Roses can decorate any area with their appearance. But if you want these plants to bloom and please as long as possible, then you should choose the right place for planting them.
Olga Kotova roses flowers landing garden and vegetable garden, dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 March 2024If you want roses in your garden to delight you with lush and long flowering, then you should choose the right place for them.
Olga Kotova roses how to grow roses garden and vegetable garden, dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 March 2024Summer residents were told what to do if garden roses were affected by fungus after wintering.
Igor Zur plant care fungus tips for flower growers pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 March 2024Cut these flowers in March - they will bloom to the delight of the owners and the envy of the neighbors on the site.
Igor Zur growing plants tips for flower growers useful tips and life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 March 2024Roses can decorate any area. But in order for them to really please with their appearance, they need to be fed. You should start in early spring.
Olga Kotova roses top dressing and fertilizers fertilizers garden and vegetable garden, dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2024The summer cottage season is about to begin. Many amateurs grow not only fruit crops but also beautiful flowers on their plots.
Olga Kotova flowers roses peonies Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2024The need to cover a rose depends on the winter hardiness of a particular variety, winter weather conditions and climate.
Dmitry Liskovich roses winter snow winter at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 December 2023