Roses do not always manage to survive the winter without consequences.
However, frozen plants can be saved. We tell you what to do for this.
How to save frozen roses
You can bring roses back to life with vodka. Our great-grandmothers used this method.
The method is extremely simple. Dissolve 200 grams of vodka in a bucket of water and water the roses.
You need to water it two or three times. If the bush is seriously frozen, recovery will take at least three weeks.
It is also necessary to carry out pruning. First, you need to remove all the black shoots down to the light tissue.
If the core is brown, the shoot is frozen, continue pruning right down to the base.
Shoots with torn bark also need to be cut off. If the bush has completely turned black, cut it down to the grafting site.
All cuts are treated with garden pitch or brilliant green. Also, the shoots and trunk circle should be sprayed with fungicides.
Next, you need to make a mini-greenhouse over the bush. For example, from the cut-off top of a five-liter water bottle with a lid.
The shelter must be stuck into the ground and secured, otherwise it will be blown away by the wind.