It seems that pruning currants is a simple task. But why do some bushes burst with fruit after pruning, while others wither?
Elena Shimanovskaya currant black currant pruning currants pruning shrubs Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 March 2025Imagine: old blackcurrant bushes that have been withering away in the corner of the garden for years are suddenly covered with clusters of large berries.
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Elena Shimanovskaya hydrangea a plant bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 October 2024Autumn pruning of currants is carried out after all the leaves have fallen - at this time the sap flow stops, and the bush goes into a dormant state.
Elena Shimanovskaya currant pruning currants red currant black currant Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 October 2024A moment of theory: garden blackberry is a plant with a two-cycle fruiting period.
Elena Shimanovskaya blackberry autumn Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 October 2024Every gardener knows: after completing such a joyful and pleasant process as harvesting, you should start cleaning up plant debris.
Elena Shimanovskaya tree pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 October 2024Autumn is a good time to prune blackberries. You need to remove excess branches so that the bush can easily survive the winter and please its owner with a good harvest when the next season begins.
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