tree pruning


Every gardener knows: after completing such a joyful and pleasant process as harvesting, you should start cleaning up plant debris.

Elena Shimanovskaya pruning branches tree branches plant remains Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 October 2024

Experienced gardeners told us how to properly prune apple and pear trees and what other bushes and trees need to be trimmed in August.

Igor Zur tips for gardeners pruning shrubs increasing crop yields dacha in august Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 August 2024

Summer residents were reminded of the basic rules of winter pruning and told which plants can be put in order in January.

Igor Zur plant care pruning shrubs tips for gardeners dacha in winter Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 January 2024

While some gardeners are confident in the necessity of pruning trees in the garden, other summer residents are overcome with doubts: what will happen if you do not spend your time and energy on carrying out such a “procedure”?

Elena Shimanovskaya now tree trees pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 January 2024