Fruit trees can produce fruit every year if they are properly cared for.
Igor Zur growing apple trees tips for gardeners garden and harvest useful tips and life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 January 2025To prevent the cherry or sweet cherry harvest from being spoiled by pests or diseases, the garden needs to be treated.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners treatment for diseases diseases and pests increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 January 2025It turns out that in winter cold weather, not only pruning is recommended - fruit trees in dormancy tolerate any intervention less painfully.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners dacha in winter vaccination summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2025If a number of conditions are met, winter tree pruning will be as effective as possible.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners dacha in winter diseases air temperature Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 January 2025Summer residents were told the reasons why pear leaves turn black, and were also told how to treat the tree.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners pear diseases and pests garden processing Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 December 2024The advantages of winter tree pruning and an important condition without which everything can be ruined are named.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents tree pruning dacha in winter mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 December 2024You should not leave a tree trunk damaged by rodents, even if the damage is minor.
Igor Zur valuers now advice for summer residents rodents tree protection Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 December 2024How to save a rare apple tree variety if even rejuvenating pruning doesn’t help.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners apple pruning useful tips and life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 November 2024We'll tell you what you need to do with your apple trees before winter.
Timur Khomichev apple apple tree care growing apple trees fruit trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 November 2024Summer residents were told why apple trees, conifers and nightshades are not suitable for planting next to cherries.
Igor Zur worst plant neighborhood mistakes of summer residents tips for gardeners Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 November 2024Despite the presence of holes or other defects, tights remain just as durable and can provide an invaluable service at the dacha.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners dacha in autumn Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 November 2024Summer residents were told how to properly and with what they can seal a hollow in a tree trunk.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners processing folk recipes Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 November 2024How to properly cover trees for the winter - take care of young seedlings.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners winter at the dacha severe frosts seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 November 2024Whitewashing reflects the sun's rays, which prevents the bark from overheating and cracking due to temperature changes.
Igor Zur dacha in autumn tips for gardeners whitewashing trees increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 November 2024Summer residents told how to grow a cedar on a plot - you can grow it from seeds, but it is easier to buy a seedling.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners dacha in autumn landing Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 November 2024Three signs that the apple tree can no longer be saved - the tree will have to be cut down.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners apple plant diseases garden and harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 November 2024Summer residents were reminded how to properly prune cherry trees in the fall and why this is necessary.
Igor Zur tree pruning dacha in autumn increasing crop yields tips for gardeners Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 November 2024The best time to remove suckers is in October, so now is the time.
Timur Khomichev growth cherry plum trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 October 2024Four tips to help keep your garden healthy.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners fruit trees dacha in autumn pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 October 2024Not all summer residents remember how to prepare coniferous plants for winter.
Marina Michalap coniferous plants coniferous trees dacha in autumn Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 September 2024