A plum tree may not bear fruit for various reasons.
We'll tell you about the most common ones and how to fix the situation.
Why does the plum tree not bear fruit?
Firstly, the soil. Plum bears fruit well only on neutral soil.
You can reduce soil acidity using wood ash and slaked lime.
Secondly, the variety. Many plum varieties are self-sterile, meaning they require cross-pollination with another variety.
However, in damp weather it may be ineffective, so it is better to plant self-fertile varieties.
Thirdly, the plum tree may not bear fruit due to unfavorable weather conditions.
Plant zoned varieties and there will be no problems with fruiting.
Fourthly, the cause may be a disease – fruit rot, clasterosporium.
To prevent the development of these diseases, during the growing season, treatments should be carried out with Bordeaux mixture, "Skor", "Horus".
It is also necessary to regularly collect and burn fallen leaves and mummified fruits.
Fifthly, pests. Regular (three to four times per season) insecticide treatments and digging of the soil in the tree trunk circle will help against them.