The ideal time for whitewashing is when the snow has already melted, but the buds have not yet swollen.
Igor Zur tree care advice for summer residents dacha in spring increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 March 2025Why you can’t paint over cuts on wood with oil paint and when you can whitewash trees.
Igor Zur mistakes of summer residents tree care dacha in spring pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 February 2025It often happens that due to their busy schedules, summer residents miss the right time to whitewash trees.
Elena Shimanovskaya whiter trees now Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 November 2024Garlic peel can be used as a pest control agent. There are other options.
Kurchev Anton garlic peel pest control compost summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 November 2024Whitewashing reflects the sun's rays, which prevents the bark from overheating and cracking due to temperature changes.
Igor Zur dacha in autumn tips for gardeners tree care increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 November 2024Woody plants covered with the mixture before the onset of winter acquire maximum protection.
Kurchev Anton trees trees in the garden how to whitewash trees autumn at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 November 2024Whitewashing is done to protect tree bark from sunburn.
Sergey Tumanov trees how to whitewash trees dacha in autumn advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 October 2024The whitewashing process has its own rules, which every self-respecting gardener should know.
Elena Shimanovskaya whiter trees how to whitewash trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 October 2024If you are wondering what kind of composition to use for whitewashing the trees growing in your garden, you can take the easiest route and buy a special product for trees in stores or garden centers.
Elena Shimanovskaya tree whiter now Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 September 2024As is known, bark protects trees from the negative impact of the environment, taking the blows on itself.
Elena Shimanovskaya whiter trees now Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 September 2024Summer residents were told about a recipe for inexpensive whitewash for garden trees.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners spring country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 March 2024