To what level should trees be whitewashed: unwritten rules

14.10.2024 10:27

The whitewashing process has its own rules, which every self-respecting gardener should know.

Firstly, the procedure should be carried out only in dry weather. Carefully read the forecast: there should be no precipitation the next day either, so that the protective layer has time to dry.

Secondly, do not neglect safety rules: whitewash trees only with rubber gloves, otherwise you risk damaging your skin.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Thirdly, do not forget about preparation: before applying whitewash, you should go over the trunk with a broom or brush. With their help, you will be able to get rid of dust, dirt and dry whitewash residues (if any).

Put aside the desire to completely remove the old protective layer: your task is to remove the peeling crusts.

If the trunk of the spruce is covered with moss or lichen, a scraper or the same brush will help get rid of them. Alternatively, put on fabric gloves and clean the affected areas with your palms.

Fourthly, when applying the composition to the trunk, try to cover up all cracks and other damage that is present on the bark.

One layer of 2-3 mm thickness will be enough for this. It is not worth making the coating thicker, since it will most likely fall off.

Well, and fifthly: the long-awaited answer to the question of to what level the whitewash should be applied. Whitewash the trees with a continuous layer from the ground to the second branch.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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