Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium are the three pillars of spring fertilizers, but their proportions depend on the crop.
Igor Zur plant care garden and harvest summer cottage tricks the best green manure Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 March 2025Imagine that your favorite ficus or orchid dreams not of simple water, but of a tasty “drink” that will make them bloom like never before.
Elena Shimanovskaya water how to water flowers water for irrigation water for watering flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Onion bolting indicates that the plant has experienced stress.
Kurchev Anton growing onions problems weeds advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Are you growing seedlings, but they are withering, despite the lighting and fertilizing? Do not rush to buy stimulants!
Kurchev Anton seedling use of tea tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025How to properly care for trees in the garden - many still do not know the basic rules of pruning.
Igor Zur tree care mistakes of summer residents garden and harvest useful tips and life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Who to ask to look after your houseplants while you're away? This silent helper won't refuse
Elena Shimanovskaya indoor plants indoor flowers how to water flowers watering flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Cabbage cracks not because of pests or diseases, but because of your “care”.
Kurchev Anton cabbage Growing Cabbage mistakes of summer residents advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Many summer residents, actively caring for their beds, make serious mistakes that can lead to loss of the harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya watering the garden water for irrigation summer resident mistakes garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 February 2025Tap water is a silent killer of indoor plants! Chlorine and calcium salts settle on the roots, turning the soil into a toxic desert.
Elena Shimanovskaya watering flowers water for watering flowers indoor plants indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 February 2025It turns out those potato peelings you've been composting for years are the key to melt-in-your-mouth berries.
Kurchev Anton currant potato peelings currant harvest advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2025You pour water every night, but the plants wither? It's all because you believe in myths.
Elena Shimanovskaya watering the garden water for irrigation summer resident mistakes myths Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2025Roses are not the princesses they are commonly believed to be.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses how to grow roses watering flowers how to water flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 February 2025You water the beds every day, loosen the soil and wait for the first fruits to appear.
Valeria Kisternaya garden advice for summer residents beds Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 February 2025Seedlings do not tolerate “swamps” - their roots are thin as hair, and from excess moisture they begin to rot within a day.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents healthy seedlings mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 February 2025Several folk secrets that will help increase the strawberry harvest without using chemicals.
Igor Zur growing strawberries increasing crop yields strawberry care dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2025Do you water your plants every day? Stop it! This is the most common mistake that ruins more crops than drought.
Elena Shimanovskaya watering the garden watering schedule summer resident mistakes garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2025Watering an orchid is not just moistening the soil, but a whole science on which its vitality and beauty depend.
Elena Shimanovskaya orchid orchid care watering orchids indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025Drops of water on grape leaves in the morning sun seem harmless, but they set off a chain of events that turn juicy grapes into rot.
Elena Shimanovskaya grape growing grapes berries summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 February 2025What if someone told you that ice water is the secret to a super cucumber harvest? It sounds crazy, but this is the method that large agricultural companies have been hiding for decades.
Elena Shimanovskaya cucumbers growing cucumbers watering cucumbers advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 February 2025Plants that prefer acidic and moderately acidic soil are called acidophytes.
Elena Shimanovskaya soil acidic soil indoor plants indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 February 2025