Plants that prefer acidic and moderately acidic soil are called acidophytes.
In nature, they grow in coniferous forests, marshy areas and peat bogs.
Acidophilic plants are also found among indoor flowers.

Some of them are big fans of acidic soil.
Plants that love acidic soil include anthurium, gerbera, cactus, Christmas spurge, cycad, peperomia, clivia, spiderwort, azalea, camellia, dracaena and hydrangea.
Accordingly, if you want them to grow well and be pleasing to the eye, you should regularly acidify the soil in flower pots.
The easiest way to do this is while watering potted plants.
Use slightly acidified liquid during all waterings, and use a stronger solution every 2-3 weeks.
Don't know what to add to water to acidify the soil? You have as many as 3 options.
1. The first involves the use of citric acid, 5 g of which must be diluted in 2 liters of hot water.
2. A well-known drug, ascorbic acid, is also suitable for acidifying liquids.
3. Finally, you can fill the bag with holes with high-moor peat and place it at the bottom of the funnel.