If you grow blueberries, bilberries and lingonberries on your plot, then you should forget about using ash.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners use of ash summer resident mistakes garden and harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 January 2025We'll tell you what thickets of celandine in your dacha indicate.
Timur Khomichev celandine at the dacha soil soil acidity soil acidity Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 December 2024Even novice gardeners know how important the soil acidity values are on the site.
Elena Shimanovskaya soil acidity soil acidity plants acidic soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 December 2024Summer residents were told how to fertilize currants in September.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners fertilization dacha in september currant harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 September 2024Summer residents were told how to improve the composition of the soil and normalize acidity - add these additives in the fall.
Igor Zur dacha in autumn fertilization garden and harvest advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 September 2024Summer residents were reminded how to properly plant or transplant strawberries in the fall.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents transplanting seedlings growing strawberries lighting Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 August 2024We'll tell you what problem overgrown celandine indicates.
Timur Khomichev celandine at the dacha celandine application Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 July 2024Summer residents were told the whole truth about the consequences of improper use of mineral and organic fertilizers.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners use of fertilizers summer resident mistakes harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 July 2024Many gardeners face the problem of increased soil acidity in their areas and try to solve this problem by adding various acidifiers, such as ash or chalk.
Elena Shimanovskaya soil acidity flowers plants what to plant in the country Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2024As you know, when growing blueberries, the pH of the soil is of decisive importance - the plant prefers to grow in an acidic substrate.
Elena Shimanovskaya blueberry a plant Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 April 2024How to deoxidize the soil in the garden in the spring and what to use for this.
Igor Zur fertile soil fertilization spring beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 February 2024It may come as a surprise, but quite a few shrubs actually like acidic soil, meaning you won't have to rack your brains trying to create a luxurious garden in an acidic area.
Elena Shimanovskaya now plants acidic soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 January 2024Every year after harvesting, it is necessary to check the soil acidity.
Timur Khomichev soil soil acidity soil acidity acidic soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 December 2023Soil acidity greatly affects the yield of vegetables in the garden.
Dmitry Liskovich soil soil acidity country house garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 December 2023We invite you to think about how you can create a perennial garden in acidic soil.
Dmitry Liskovich coniferous plants soil country house now Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 December 2023