a plant


It is believed that chokeberry, or black chokeberry, is best planted in the fall - thanks to this decision, the black chokeberry will have every chance of taking root and delighting its owner with a harvest next year.

Elena Shimanovskaya blackberry chokeberry aronia aronia chernoplodnaya Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 September 2024

It is unlikely that the staff and students of one of the colleges in the Indian city of Dharwad suspected that their educational institution would become famous throughout the world thanks to some cactus.

Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records cacti tall cactus Records and anti-records 24 July 2024
country house

The appearance of pests in the garden and vegetable garden forces many summer residents to use various chemicals. But it is better to focus on the use of natural products.

Kurchev Anton pests pest control scent advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 June 2024

These insects not only damage the tree, but also contribute to the spread of aphids, which feed on the juice of leaves and shoots.

Sergey Tumanov Top news apple ants struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 June 2024

As a rule, when growing bright petunias, flower growers are forced to resort to picking, that is, transplanting young plants for their further growth.

Elena Shimanovskaya petunias flowers petunia without picking petunia growing Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 May 2024

If you take good care of old currant bushes, you can be sure that they will definitely please you with a harvest of large and sweet berries.

Elena Shimanovskaya now currant growing currants black currant Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2024

Gardeners often suffer from the appearance of unsightly and deformed tomatoes on the first (and sometimes on the second) bunches.

Elena Shimanovskaya tomatoes tomato fruit watering tomatoes Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 April 2024

As you know, when growing blueberries, the pH of the soil is of decisive importance - the plant prefers to grow in an acidic substrate.

Elena Shimanovskaya blueberry blueberry berry blueberry care acidic soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 April 2024

Galinsoga is a weed known to many summer residents, whose homeland is America, which is why in our area the plant is nicknamed “American”.

Elena Shimanovskaya weeds weed control weeds American weed Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 March 2024

Even if you have never heard of a plant such as snowberry, you have probably seen it – in city parks and neighboring gardens.

Elena Shimanovskaya snowberry white snowberry hedge what to make a hedge from Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 February 2024

If you notice that the leaves of the Decembrist have started to change their usual green hue to red, this may happen due to two reasons.

Elena Shimanovskaya Decembrist flowers Decembrist leaves Decembrist at home Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 January 2024