The latest trend in gardening and dachas is yoshta.
Why did they love the plant so much that in a short time it became mega-popular among both experienced and amateur gardeners?
Those who have dealt with the crop say that this hybrid of black currant and gooseberry combines the best qualities of both plants.

The bush usually grows up to 1.8 meters, has a spreading shape, and has almost no thorns.
The leaves resemble gooseberries, but are smaller.
The berries are “presented” in clusters of 3-5 pieces, their weight is from 3 to 5 grams.
Sweet fruits with a slight sourness are brown-burgundy, and sometimes almost black.
Compared to gooseberries, jostaberries have the advantage of having almost no thorns.
In addition, the plant is more resistant to diseases, in particular, it is less susceptible to powdery mildew and other problems typical for gooseberries.
Jostaberry adapts well to different growing conditions and does not require complex care.
The berries of this plant can be eaten fresh, or used to make compote, juice, jelly or jam.
It is worth knowing that yoshta loves sunny places with fertile soil.
It is better to plant this crop in autumn or early spring, while the bushes should be located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other.
After planting, it is recommended to trim the seedlings - leave 3-4 buds to stimulate the growth of new shoots.
The plant must be constantly watered and fed with organic and mineral fertilizers, and old and damaged branches must be trimmed.