Blooms like a cloud, and requires no care: what to plant on the site so that the house is drowning in flowers

06.02.2025 10:50

Even if you are indifferent to flowers, one of them will surely be able to attract your attention, because it is not so easy to take your eyes off the airy cloud consisting of thin, broom-shaped inflorescences.

We are talking about the favorite of all gardeners – gypsophila.

There are more than a hundred species of this flower, which differ from each other in their size, flowering time and lifespan: gypsophila can be both annual and perennial.

Photo: Pixabay

Perhaps the most popular of all is the so-called blizzard gypsophila.

It can be recognized by its lush, spherical crown, which is formed by thin stems, small leaves of a grayish-green color, and many small flowers.

The inflorescences of this plant are usually white or pink.

In addition to its impressive appearance, gypsophila boasts undemanding care.

This means that successful cultivation of gypsophila will require minimal effort on the part of the gardener.

The main thing is not to plant the plant in heavy acidic soil. It is also not recommended to choose shaded and damp places for gypsophila, where the groundwater level is high.

Since the bushes do not tolerate transplantation well, plant them immediately in a permanent place - here gypsophila can "exist" for up to 20-25 years.

To propagate the flower, it is better to use seeds or cuttings, which have the ability to root well.

Dividing the bush, unfortunately, does not give such good results.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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