Which flora representatives should a suburban area owner begin to combat in a timely manner?
Kurchev Anton country house honeysuckle mistakes of summer residents advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 January 2025English ivy covering walls, houses and fences certainly looks very picturesque.
Elena Shimanovskaya a plant weeds harmful plants harm Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 November 2024When choosing trees to plant on your property, you should take into account not only their appearance and ability to bear fruit, but also the possible risks associated with them.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees now lightning what trees can not be planted Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 November 2024Sometimes we don’t even realize what damage some plants can cause to a summer cottage.
Marina Michalap country house advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 October 2024Not everyone knows whether ficus poses a threat to cats.
Marina Michalap cat health facts about cats Pets 9 June 2024Summer residents were told three popular plants that they completely in vain plant on their plots.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners summer resident mistakes country house beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 April 2024There are good reasons why you shouldn't plant ferns too close to your home.
Igor Zur ornamental plants advice for summer residents signs mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 April 2024Not everyone knows which plants should not be kept at home, as they feed on our energy.
Marina Michalap indoor plants Useful tips 25 January 2024