To calculate the optimal sowing date for a heat-loving and capricious crop, the lunar calendar recommendations alone will not be enough.
Igor Zur growing eggplants healthy seedlings sowing lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 February 2025What is root hardening and why is it useless to take seedlings out onto the balcony or open the windows.
Igor Zur pepper seedlings seedlings at home plant diseases Secrets of the harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 February 2025Summer residents were told the best varieties of radish for sowing in the 2025 season.
Igor Zur growing radishes varieties seed material harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 February 2025Several varieties of squash and zucchini that are popular among domestic summer residents.
Igor Zur growing zucchini varieties squash harvest seed material Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 February 2025Which crops need eggshell feeding - observe the dosage.
Igor Zur fertilization dacha and garden eggshell mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2025Early sowing of seeds for seedlings may result in the plants having to be kept in pots longer than intended due to bad weather.
Igor Zur sowing seedlings at home harvest weather Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2025The seeds of vegetable crops that are prepared for sowing in February are called summer residents.
Igor Zur dacha and garden seed material vegetables increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2025Ash can interfere with plants that prefer to grow in acidic soil.
Igor Zur plant care natural fertilizers beds summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2025Summer residents were told the main conditions for fighting the Colorado potato beetle - don't forget about prevention.
Igor Zur pest control prevention Colorado beetle plant care Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 January 2025Summer residents were told how to prepare potato seeds for planting so that the tubers also develop roots.
Igor Zur increasing crop yields seed material potatoes dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 January 2025Of the nightshade family, pepper is the most capricious crop, which does not forgive either haste or being late.
Igor Zur seed material how to grow peppers home seedlings lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 January 2025We tell you how to prevent early flowering of dill.
Timur Khomichev dill growing dill planting dill advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 January 2025Summer residents were reminded how to properly use hydrogen peroxide for germination and disinfection of seeds before sowing.
Igor Zur seed material hydrogen peroxide treatment for diseases Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 January 2025Summer residents were told in which cases zinc chelate should be used for fertilizing.
Igor Zur seedling care fertilizer for seedlings seedlings at home soil for seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 January 2025Summer residents were told about tricks that allow them to collect a rich harvest of tasty and juicy bell peppers.
Igor Zur growing peppers increasing crop yields seedling care dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 January 2025Summer residents were told how not to miscalculate when calculating the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings - the weather will not affect your plans.
Igor Zur seeds seedlings growing tomatoes sowing tomato harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 January 2025Pumpkins and squashes, as well as cucumbers themselves, will not yield the best harvest in a former cucumber bed.
Igor Zur dacha and garden increasing crop yields crop rotation what green manure to choose Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 January 2025Summer residents were told how to increase strawberry yields - 5 most important procedures.
Igor Zur strawberry harvest plant care fertilization mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 January 2025It is believed that plant remains will rot much faster if a mixture of starch and urea is added to the pit or pile.
Igor Zur natural fertilizer useful tips and life hacks compost pit use of starch Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 January 2025Summer residents were told which varieties and hybrids of eggplants are least prone to diseases and produce a good harvest even in harsh climatic conditions.
Igor Zur growing eggplants increasing crop yields seeds plant diseases Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 January 2025