Imagine: your seedlings not only survive, but actively grow upward, despite temperature changes or lack of light.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling seedlings at home growing seedlings activated carbon Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025If your window sills are already reminiscent of a botanical labyrinth, and your garden beds are threatening to become a field for experimental confusion, it’s time to take matters into your own hands.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling plants seedlings at home growing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Seedlings can fall due to several common reasons, but they are easy to fix if you pay attention to them in time.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling summer resident mistakes seedlings at home growing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 February 2025Growing pepper seedlings without picking is not as difficult as it may seem.
Igor Zur bell pepper tips for gardeners plant care picking seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 February 2025Even experienced gardeners are not protected from fatal mistakes in the process of growing seedlings.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling seedlings at home growing seedlings summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 February 2025Every year, thousands of seedlings die on windowsills, even those who consider themselves professionals.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling seedlings at home growing seedlings summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 February 2025Seedlings can fall for several reasons, but almost all of them can be eliminated if measures are taken in time.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling seedlings at home seedling conditions growing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2025A few secrets for a rich harvest - it all starts with seedlings.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners dacha and garden increasing crop yields fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 February 2025How to learn to read the information on seed packaging correctly - your harvest depends on it.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners seed material advice for summer residents seeds Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2025Early sowing is the main problem. In pursuit of an early harvest, summer residents sow seeds in January.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing tomatoes mistakes a large tomato harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025Are you sure your windows are the perfect place for seedlings? It turns out that 9 out of 10 gardeners ruin young plants without even noticing it.
Sergey Tumanov growing seedlings healthy seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025Seed testing before sowing is carried out in two stages.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners seed material buy seeds Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025It is necessary to calculate the time so that the seedlings are strong enough at the time of transplantation, do not overstay their welcome and do not bloom.
Igor Zur sowing advice for summer residents growing peppers gardener's lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 February 2025February seedlings require attention to details that many people don’t realize.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners plant care mistakes of summer residents Secrets of the harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 February 2025You can start sowing some garden crops for seedlings as early as February.
Timur Khomichev seedling february growing seedlings seedlings at home Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2025We tell you how to grow seedlings without soil.
Timur Khomichev seedling growing seedlings seedlings at home pepper seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 February 2025Summer residents were reminded how to accurately choose the date to start sowing tomato seedlings.
Igor Zur growing tomatoes sowing dacha and garden lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 January 2025Of the nightshade family, pepper is the most capricious crop, which does not forgive either haste or being late.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners seed material how to grow peppers lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 January 2025Probably every summer resident has encountered a situation when seedlings have started to stretch, but it is still too early to plant them.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling seedlings at home growing seedlings advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 January 2025We'll tell you why tomato seedlings stretch out and what to do about it.
Timur Khomichev seedling tomato seedlings tomato seedlings growing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 January 2025