Probably every summer resident has encountered a situation when seedlings have started to stretch, but it is still too early to plant them.
In such cases, it is worth taking immediate measures to prevent weakening of the seedlings.
If you leave things to chance, the plants will most likely get sick often and will not produce the desired harvest.
You can't just stop adding fertilizer.
Trimming the top won’t help either – the sprouts are unlikely to have time to take root, and as a result, neither one nor the other part will bring you a harvest.
And hormonal drugs that can stop growth are simply too insidious to be used.
One mistake and the growth of plants will be slowed down so much that the harvest will be invisible.
What to do? First, try to solve the problem with potassium monophosphate.
Thanks to it, the root system will begin to grow in opposition to the apical shoots.
Secondly, do not overdo it with stimulating fertilizers. If the seedlings outgrow, it is quite logical that you should refuse growth stimulants.
Thirdly, reduce watering – moisten the soil in which the seedlings are growing only when the soil has dried out.
And fourthly: harden the seedlings by lowering the temperature – in response to stress, the plants will begin to strengthen their root system.