Summer residents pay special attention to growing peppers. The crop is considered capricious and heat-loving, but this does not prevent harvesting even in cold summers.
Let us remember that the pepper harvest depends on the seedlings and in order for them to grow strong, you need to sow them on time.
The subtleties of sowing
Peppers and tomatoes are usually sown between February and March.

But pepper seeds germinate poorly due to their dense shell, and sprouts may appear in one and a half to two weeks.
Soaking in various stimulants accelerates germination.
When to sow
1. It is necessary to calculate the time so that the seedlings are strong enough at the time of transplantation, but do not overstay their welcome, or even worse, do not bloom on the windowsill.
It is impossible to name the exact time of transplantation, as it depends on climatic and weather conditions.
Gardeners are guided by temperature indicators.
Usually, the transplantation of heat-loving seedlings begins after the average daily temperature reaches 16-19 degrees Celsius.
By this time the soil should warm up to 12-15 degrees Celsius at a depth of up to 20 cm.
Don't forget about recurrent frosts.
2. Another point is the varietal characteristics of peppers.
The harvest of late varieties ripens in 130-140 days. The mid-season variety requires 115 to 135 days, and the early variety 90-120.
Accordingly, early varieties are transplanted after 55-60 days, mid-season varieties 65-70, and late varieties 75-80 days after emergence.
3. And the last point is the phases of the Moon, which the calendar warns gardeners about.
It is believed that any seedlings will grow strong if sown on favorable days.
Favorable days
In February, sowing can be done from the 18th to the 20th. Forbidden days are the 27th and 28th.
In March from the 15th to the 19th, 27th and 31st. Forbidden days from the 28th to the 30th.
Calculation of terms
Check the variety information. If it is a mid-season variety that is transplanted on the 65-70th day, and the weather conditions in your climate allow this to be done at the end of May, then sowing should be done in the second half of February.