Overwatering is one of the most common problems.
Igor Zur plant care dacha and garden summer resident mistakes board Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025February seedlings require attention to details that many people don’t realize.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners plant care home seedlings mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 February 2025What is root hardening and why is it useless to take seedlings out onto the balcony or open the windows.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners pepper seedlings seedlings at home plant diseases Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 February 2025Gardeners were told which plants do not like eggshell fertilizers - watch the amount of calcium.
Igor Zur fertilization eggshells for the garden summer resident mistakes fertile soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 January 2025Carrots, like all root crops, do not like dense soil - gardeners were told all the mistakes of sowing.
Igor Zur sowing growing carrots tips for gardeners beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 January 2025Honeysuckle fruits have a very interesting taste: sweetness is combined with sourness.
Kurchev Anton honeysuckle berries top dressing advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2024Summer residents were reminded about when to sow watermelons for seedlings - the best days are in April and May.
Igor Zur seedling care top dressing watering Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 April 2024How to prepare fertilizer for garlic for the first feeding.
Igor Zur winter garlic Garlic fertilizing tips for gardeners fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 April 2024Remember about proper care, regular watering and timely fertilizing so that the next summer season will please you with an excellent harvest.
Igor Zur growing seedlings seedlings at home advice for summer residents seedling care Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 February 2024Not everyone knows why green manure should not be planted between rows of main crops.
Marina Michalap green manure planting sideratov Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 January 2024