The main problem lies in how and when the shoots are pruned.
Kurchev Anton raspberry growing raspberries raspberry harvest mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 March 2025We are talking about improper soil cultivation.
Kurchev Anton raspberry growing raspberries soil mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 March 2025Many gardeners have been watching for years as their currants become smaller and the berries lose their flavor.
Elena Shimanovskaya currant growing currants currant care currant harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025March is the time when gooseberries wake up after winter, and the first actions of the gardener determine how generous the harvest will be.
Elena Shimanovskaya gooseberry gooseberry harvest growing gooseberries soda at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Irga has long won the love of gardeners not only for its unpretentiousness, but also for its ability to turn a plot into a source of vitamins.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants what to plant in the country now useful plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Juicy, aromatic strawberries that melt in your mouth are not luck, but the result of precise actions.
Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry growing strawberries strawberry care strawberry harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025If you're still picking tiny, 2-gram fruits from your raspberry bushes, it's time to change something.
Elena Shimanovskaya raspberry raspberry care growing raspberries now Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Want currants the size of a quail egg? Stop wasting money on fertilizers and try something that will turn your bushes into real "record holders".
Elena Shimanovskaya currant growing currants currant harvest currant fertilizing Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 February 2025A recipe was found in ancient Japanese scrolls, the author of which claims that it can be used to make strawberries bear fruit for decades in a row.
Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry growing strawberries how to prolong fruiting plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2025Have you seen how your neighbors' currant bushes are bursting with berries the size of coins, while your bushes produce small sour fruits?
Elena Shimanovskaya currant growing currants currant care currant fertilizing Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 February 2025Are your strawberries getting grey mould even though you fertilise and water them?
Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry neighborhood raspberry worst plant neighborhood Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 February 2025Have you seen how your neighbors pick buckets of strawberries, while your bushes barely produce a handful of berries?
Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry growing strawberries harvest summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 February 2025Spring care for raspberries is the key to a bountiful harvest and healthy bushes.
Elena Shimanovskaya raspberry raspberry care growing raspberries spring Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2025To maintain an attractive appearance and increase shelf life, they are treated with special substances.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news fruits harm danger Beauty and health 18 February 2025If you dream of a rich harvest of gooseberries, and not just modest handfuls of berries, spring pruning should become your annual ritual.
Elena Shimanovskaya gooseberry gooseberry harvest growing gooseberries pruning shrubs Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025If your strawberries produce pea-sized berries year after year, the reason is due to June feeding.
Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry growing strawberries strawberries at the dacha strawberry harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025Drops of water on grape leaves in the morning sun seem harmless, but they set off a chain of events that turn juicy grapes into rot.
Elena Shimanovskaya grape growing grapes watering summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 February 2025In the archives of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, there is a manuscript from 1847 with a recipe that turns raspberries into “natural candy.”
Elena Shimanovskaya raspberry top dressing growing raspberries raspberry feeding Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 February 2025What if one habit could replace expensive creams and injections?
Elena Shimanovskaya blueberry beauty wrinkles beautiful skin Beauty and health 14 February 2025Imagine your strawberry patch turning into a display of giant berries, each of which will make your neighbors envious.
Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry growing strawberries soda soda at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 February 2025