growing gooseberries


March is the time when gooseberries wake up after winter, and the first actions of the gardener determine how generous the harvest will be.

Elena Shimanovskaya gooseberry gooseberry harvest soda at the dacha berries Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025

If you dream of a rich harvest of gooseberries, and not just modest handfuls of berries, spring pruning should become your annual ritual.

Elena Shimanovskaya gooseberry gooseberry harvest berries pruning shrubs Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025

Summer residents were reminded what and when to feed gooseberries and currants for successful wintering of the bushes.

Igor Zur advice for summer residents garden and harvest currant care dacha in august Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 August 2024

Not everyone knows how to properly feed gooseberries in order to harvest a large crop of large and sweet berries.

Marina Michalap gooseberry harvest gooseberry Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 April 2024