pruning shrubs


It seems that pruning currants is a simple task. But why do some bushes burst with fruit after pruning, while others wither?

Elena Shimanovskaya currant black currant pruning currants pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 March 2025

Imagine: old blackcurrant bushes that have been withering away in the corner of the garden for years are suddenly covered with clusters of large berries.

Elena Shimanovskaya currant black currant pruning currants pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025

If you dream of a rich harvest of gooseberries, and not just modest handfuls of berries, spring pruning should become your annual ritual.

Elena Shimanovskaya gooseberry gooseberry harvest growing gooseberries berries Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025

Experienced gardeners told us how to properly prune apple and pear trees and what other bushes and trees need to be trimmed in August.

Igor Zur tips for gardeners tree pruning increasing crop yields dacha in august Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 August 2024

Summer residents were told how to prune raspberries in August and why it is necessary to shorten the tops of young shoots.

Igor Zur raspberry care dacha in august garden and harvest increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 August 2024

There are pruning methods that will allow you to rejuvenate a honeysuckle bush in a short time.

Igor Zur honeysuckle plant care advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 May 2024

Summer residents were reminded of the basic rules of winter pruning and told which plants can be put in order in January.

Igor Zur plant care tree pruning tips for gardeners dacha in winter Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 January 2024

An experienced gardener knows that it is better not to prune 2-3 year old bushes, as the plant needs time to take root in a new place.

Dmitry Liskovich pruning shrubs country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 December 2023