People who keep their savings in American currency may soon regret their choice, an economist warned.
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Igor Zur how to bake apples delicious recipes cooking ideas Chef's Tips cover CookingA dog trainer named tricks that will be useful for developing a dog and strengthening the relationship between the owner and the pet.
Igor Zur about dogs Tips for dog owners cynologist dog training dog training PetsRussian President Vladimir Putin explained the increase in the number of Armed Forces by the need to staff the army with trained military personnel.
Timur Khomichev Vladimir Putin Russia News of Russia Armed forces RF Armed Forces PoliticsLighting a fire in a prohibited place entails a fine of up to 12 BV.
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Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice bad habits stomach disease prevention DietsThe Israeli Foreign Ministry rejected the resolution, calling its adoption a parade of stupidity and the UN General Assembly itself political theater.
Timur Khomichev Israel Palestine Israel News Palestine News UN | United Nations resolution In the worldChinese scientists have proven that psychological resilience prolongs life even in the presence of bad habits and chronic diseases.
Igor Zur longevity research by scientists psychological stability bad habits Beauty and healthAries can be thrown off balance by the banal everyday life.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac mood how to improve your mood how to cheer up HoroscopesOn September 22, the Hugo Chavez Park in Minsk will host the Car-Free Day celebration, which will conclude the Mobility Week.
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Igor Zur psychological stability how to increase self-esteem psychological trick lack of self-confidence board People and EventsOne of the conspirators, Yuri Zenkovich, spoke about this in the announcement of the film "Murderous Plot. The Target is Lukashenko" filmed by the Belarus-1 TV channel.
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Igor Zur Sergey Zhukov statement of claim copyright double Show businessFraudsters, under the pretext of investing in cryptocurrency, lured more than 110,000 rubles from a Minsk resident.
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Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents coarseness children's whims psychological attitudes ChildrenThis information was voiced by the Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, Andrus Merilo.
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