A new breed of dog has been officially registered in Kazakhstan and has received recognition from the International Cynological Federation.
Igor Zur dog breeds pets and animals Kazakhstan facts about dogs Pets 22 January 2025A dog expert has dispelled the popular myth about the good health of mongrel dogs.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog health animal care myths about dogs Pets 10 November 2024A dog trainer named tricks that will be useful for developing a dog and strengthening the relationship between the owner and the pet.
Igor Zur about dogs Tips for dog owners dog training dog training Pets 18 September 2024If your pet is sick, this is a 100% sign of serious illness.
Igor Zur about dogs facts about dogs Tips for dog owners dog health Pets 10 September 2024Experienced dog handlers and zoopsychologists identify several characteristic signs that may indicate that the dog does not consider the owner a leader and authority.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog training dog training pets Pets 3 July 2024A dog trainer told how to prepare a dog for a visit from guests and what guests in the house should not do when they see a dog.
Igor Zur dog in the apartment about dogs facts about dogs pets Pets 4 January 2024A dog trainer advises not to deprive a dog of the right to decide how long it can walk outside in winter.
Igor Zur about dogs facts about dogs walking dogs in winter board Pets 3 January 2024A dog trainer told what else a dog owner should think about before walking his dog in winter, in addition to clothes and shoes.
Igor Zur dogs pets about dogs walking dogs in winter Pets 21 December 2023A dog handler explained how dogs react to weather changes and pressure drops.
Igor Zur dog dog health pressure facts about dogs Pets 19 December 2023The dog trainer gave some advice that will help you quickly accustom your dog to winter clothes.
Igor Zur facts about dogs dog walking cloth about dogs Pets 19 December 2023A dog handler does not recommend walking your dog in winter near heating mains and bodies of water with wild birds.
Igor Zur dogs on the street dog behavior dog walking danger about dogs Pets 18 December 2023A dog trainer told how to choose the right clothes and shoes for walking a dog in the cold season.
Igor Zur dog walking cloth shoes Pets 15 December 2023The dog trainer advised to carry a water bottle for the dog on walks even in winter and not to allow the pet to eat snow.
Igor Zur can dogs dog behavior dog walking snow Pets 14 December 2023Five Hidden Signs of Pain in Dogs That Owners Don't Even Know About
Igor Zur facts about dogs dog behavior symptoms diseases Pets 13 December 2023A dog trainer named the main reasons for a dog's bad behavior and gave advice on how to avoid it.
Igor Zur dog training facts about dogs upbringing mistakes Pets 11 December 2023A cynologist named dog breeds that will be difficult for beginners to handle - it's not even about aggression.
Igor Zur dog facts about dogs dog breeds board Pets 6 December 2023In winter, dog owners are advised to take care to protect their pets' paws from salt and reagents on the roads.
Igor Zur dogs about dogs dog walking facts about dogs Pets 4 December 2023A dog expert advises protecting dogs' paws from road reagents in winter using ointments.
Igor Zur dog dog breeds about dogs facts about dogs Pets 28 November 2023How to choose dog food and make up a diet - dog handlers gave advice.
Igor Zur dogs fodder nutrition board Pets 20 November 2023Here are some tips to help you avoid future problems when choosing a dog.
Igor Zur dogs breeds mistakes board Pets 13 November 2023