Dog owners need to keep their dogs interested during walks so that they don't pull on the leash.
Igor Zur how to walk a dog Tips for dog owners dog behavior how to understand your pet Pets 8 February 2024Cynologists explained why dogs stop obeying their owners and what the owner should do in such cases.
Igor Zur dog behavior board canine dog training pets Pets 31 January 2024It is easiest to train dogs weighing no more than 10 kilograms to use the toilet at home, but they still need to be walked.
Igor Zur dog walking Tips for dog owners facts about dogs dog breeds Pets 30 January 2024The veterinarian does not recommend washing the dog often in winter, but to use clothing to protect against parasites.
Igor Zur dog walking veterinarian parasites Pets 20 December 2023A dog handler does not recommend walking your dog in winter near heating mains and bodies of water with wild birds.
Igor Zur dog behavior cynologist dog walking danger about dogs Pets 18 December 2023It would seem that any dog that, for one reason or another, finds itself on the street dreams of falling into the caring hands of its owner.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals pets Pets 17 December 2023