Fish also contain trematodes (harmful effects on organs) and cestodes (diphyllobothriasis and taeniasis).
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food fish danger Beauty and health 19 February 2025People suffering from household allergies should first of all eliminate the cause of the ailment, such as dust mites.
Elena Shimanovskaya pliers dust insects in the house dust control Useful tips 19 December 2024Most people swim in lakes and reservoirs every year, while contracting a serious disease after doing so is very rare.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathing diseases infections Beauty and health 1 August 2024What diseases can a child catch in a sandbox after eating sand, and is it worth running to the pharmacy?
Igor Zur Advice to parents disease prevention child health Children 17 June 2024How to salt fish and protect yourself from parasites - tips for cooks.
Igor Zur red fish salting freezing culinary tricks Cooking 27 March 2024Veterinarians advise regularly treating cats for parasites, even if the animal does not go outside.
Igor Zur cat behavior parasites in cats cat health Tips for cat owners Pets 2 February 2024The veterinarian does not recommend washing the dog often in winter, but to use clothing to protect against parasites.
Igor Zur dogs on the street dog walking veterinarian Pets 20 December 2023Bed bugs, despite their seemingly telling name, are capable of settling not only in beds.
Elena Shimanovskaya bed bed sheets insects Useful tips 6 December 2023When to start deworming kittens and what are the contraindications.
Igor Zur cats health treatment tablets Pets 20 November 2023It is necessary to treat domestic animals for parasites regardless of whether they walk outside or not.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats dogs animals pets protection Pets 17 October 2023It is important to remember that insects are especially active during the warm season. Ticks are among the most dangerous.
Olga Kotova pliers insects board Useful tips 20 June 2023Caterpillars cause enormous damage to the garden and vegetable garden. If your plot is attacked by these pests, you can not expect a harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya now plants pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 June 2023If you have ever gone to war with cockroaches, you know better than anyone that in this battle, victory almost always goes to the insects.
Elena Shimanovskaya insects struggle means board Useful tips 6 June 20233 parasites, besides fleas and ticks, that live in the fur of dogs and cats, but the owners do not know about it.
Igor Zur cats dogs wool insects Pets 30 March 2023Cat ticks are carriers of numerous diseases, including Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, hepatozoonosis, and babesiosis.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pliers taste Pets 29 March 2023Many summer residents are increasingly growing Chinese cabbage on their plots.
Elena Shimanovskaya cabbage pests insects struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 March 2023British scientists have discovered a diet that helps get rid of parasites in the body.
Olga Kotova diets and nutrition nutrition health Diets 8 February 2023There are many reasons why cockroaches might choose to inhabit your cozy home: scattered crumbs, cereals spilled in boxes, open garbage bags, puddles near the sink, and so on.
Elena Shimanovskaya insects kitchen cleaning the apartment cold Useful tips 4 February 2023If this problem is not solved in early spring, you may not get a berry harvest.
Dmitry Bobrovich currant now pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 January 2023