Forget the myth that tail wagging always means friendliness.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners interesting facts how to understand your pet tail Pets 28 February 2025Dogs can't talk, but their actions speak volumes - you just have to want to hear them
Igor Zur pets and animals dog behavior Tips for dog owners interesting facts Pets 27 February 2025Even small breeds like Chihuahuas need at least 30-40 minutes of activity per day.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog walking dog behavior how to understand your pet Pets 20 February 2025Buy a guillotine nail clipper and learn to find the "fast zone" - the pink line at the base.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners haircut dog health animal care Pets 18 February 2025A German Shepherd is not for everyone, and it's not just a matter of experience.
Igor Zur dog breeds Tips for dog owners dog training animal care Pets 15 February 2025Owners least often pay attention to the emotional state of the animal, which is also affected by excess weight.
Igor Zur dog health obesity board canine Tips for dog owners Pets 12 February 2025A dog's trust is demonstrated through its behavior and non-verbal communication with its owner.
Igor Zur dog and man facts about dogs pets and animals Tips for dog owners Pets 11 February 2025A collar is necessary outside, but at home it can be dangerous for the animal.
Igor Zur dog health Tips for dog owners board canine pets Pets 10 February 2025Dogs and cats need different diets and different nutritional compositions, experts insist.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog food dog health mistakes Pets 3 February 2025It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed, the size of the dogs and their temperament, as well as the experience of the owner.
Igor Zur dog breeds Tips for dog owners pets and animals facts about dogs Pets 30 January 2025Ticks wake up with the first warm spell, which may begin before March 1.
Igor Zur board canine dog health pets and animals pliers Pets 29 January 2025Future dog breeders will have to deal with health problems of their pets if they choose these breeds.
Igor Zur dog breeds pets and animals dog health board canine Pets 28 January 2025Animals perceive this gesture as an attempt at dominance.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners board canine dog training mistakes Pets 20 January 2025The five best guard dogs have been named - they are distinguished by their calm character and devotion to their owner.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners security dog breeds dog training Pets 18 January 2025The dog expert explained that dogs choose their owner based on their sense of smell, human behavior, communication style, and their condition.
Igor Zur facts about dogs board canine Tips for dog owners scent Pets 13 January 2025Dog breeders have been told that there are three dog breeds that are best not to have in the home.
Igor Zur dog aggression dog breeds pets and animals dog training Pets 10 January 2025Experts have named the friendliest dogs that have no problems with their mood.
Igor Zur dog breeds Tips for dog owners dog training pets and animals Pets 6 January 2025Experts have named three dog breeds that love to please their owners.
Igor Zur dog breeds Tips for dog owners pets and animals facts about dogs Pets 31 December 2024Those who love a calm and measured life should choose the following five dog breeds.
Igor Zur dog breeds board pets and animals dog walking Pets 26 December 2024Dog breeds that have won people over with their loyalty - protectors and simply loyal friends.
Igor Zur dog intelligence dog breeds Tips for dog owners pets and animals Pets 23 December 2024