Dog breeders have been told that there are three dog breeds that are best not to have in the home.
Igor Zur about dogs dog breeds pets and animals dog training Pets 10 January 2025Not everyone knows the reasons why even a friendly dog can show signs of aggressive behavior.
Marina Michalap aggression in dogs facts about dogs Pets 27 September 2024Scientists believe that a dog can see its owner in a dream, even in the worst dreams.
Igor Zur research by scientists Tips for dog owners dreams dog behavior Pets 17 September 2024Behavioral correction in dogs: methods and techniques for dealing with aggression
Sergey Tumanov aggressive dogs Pets 23 July 2024Scientists have confirmed a popular theory about how a dog chooses a victim to attack.
Igor Zur scientists scientific research facts about dogs fear Pets 19 June 2024Not everyone knows why a dog growls while eating.
Marina Michalap dog behavior facts about dogs Pets 4 June 2024