Fresh smoke dissipates in a couple of hours, but if the apartment has been permeated with the tobacco “aroma” for years, you will have to take radical action.
Elena Shimanovskaya tobacco cigarettes unpleasant smell improving the smell Useful tips 19 February 2025They have long been practicing certain methods of resisting adversity, which have proven themselves to be the best.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news kitchen cleaning life hacks Useful tips 17 February 2025Some drinks have truly amazing properties.
Elena Shimanovskaya tea green tea apples bad breath Beauty and health 7 February 2025Probably all our grandmothers and mothers applied perfume to their wrists and then rubbed them vigorously – we have adopted this same habit.
Elena Shimanovskaya perfume perfume aroma beauty Beauty and health 6 February 2025Clothes should smell nice, be clean and fresh.
Valeria Kisternaya cloth board Useful tips 5 February 2025Our four-legged friends have many “unusual” hobbies: for example, many of them are delighted by the idea of rolling around in some foul-smelling substance.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals dog behavior unpleasant smell Pets 26 January 2025What to do if the perfume you bought doesn't last long?
Elena Shimanovskaya perfume perfume aroma cosmetics People and Events 24 January 2025Dogs can be friendly and loyal. However, there are people that most dogs don't like.
Kurchev Anton dog facts about dogs dog behavior human behavior Pets 21 January 2025The freshness of the air in the room affects not only the comfort of living, but also the health of the whole family.
Valeria Kisternaya smell in the apartment board tricks Useful tips 14 January 2025The dog expert explained that dogs choose their owner based on their sense of smell, human behavior, communication style, and their condition.
Igor Zur about dogs facts about dogs board canine Tips for dog owners Pets 13 January 2025There is very little time left before the end of the winter holidays.
Kurchev Anton live christmas tree household tricks cleaning agent rodents Useful tips 3 January 2025We'll tell you what you need to do to quickly get rid of the smell of fumes.
Timur Khomichev alcohol how to get rid of the smell getting rid of odor folk remedies Useful tips 26 December 2024Unfortunately, situations when the smell of tobacco in an apartment appears because of smoking neighbors are not so rare.
Elena Shimanovskaya cigarettes tobacco unpleasant smell neighbors Useful tips 14 December 2024A rural way to fight mice - without chemicals, poisons and traps.
Igor Zur mice at the dacha useful tips and life hacks dog hair Useful tips 24 November 2024Scents follow a person everywhere. Some of them are very pleasant, and some cause unpleasant sensations.
Sergey Tumanov perfume perfume aroma choice Beauty and health 16 November 2024Unpleasant odor coming from shoes is a problem that is, let's face it, quite common.
Elena Shimanovskaya shoes unpleasant smell bad smell of shoes life hacks Useful tips 14 November 2024Sugar is great at removing stench. The product also absorbs moisture well.
Kurchev Anton humidity in the refrigerator sugar life hacks food products household tricks Useful tips 4 November 2024The characteristic smell that comes from onions is not to everyone's taste - however, this is not a reason to refuse to use this ingredient in cooking.
Elena Shimanovskaya bulb culinary tricks Cooking 1 November 2024The problem of a musty smell in the basement is familiar to both residents of old houses and those who live in a newly built building.
Elena Shimanovskaya musty smell air humidity humidity Useful tips 24 October 2024The smell of ammonia is probably familiar to each of us – if not from school chemistry lessons, then from acquaintance with a dirty cat litter box.
Elena Shimanovskaya compost unpleasant smell compost pit compost for the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 October 2024