Probably all our grandmothers and mothers applied perfume to their wrists and then rubbed them vigorously – we have adopted this same habit.
Elena Shimanovskaya perfume aroma scent beauty Beauty and health 6 February 2025What to do if the perfume you bought doesn't last long?
Elena Shimanovskaya perfume scent aroma cosmetics People and Events 24 January 2025Some perfumes can trigger the development of cancer, an expert warned.
Timur Khomichev perfume oncology oncological disease harmful substances Beauty and health 13 December 2024Scents follow a person everywhere. Some of them are very pleasant, and some cause unpleasant sensations.
Sergey Tumanov perfume aroma choice scent Beauty and health 16 November 2024Some notes in perfume can play a cruel joke on its owner.
Elena Shimanovskaya perfume aroma unpleasant smell People and Events 7 September 2024If you start to feel that your dog's fur has started to emit an unpleasant odor, the first thing you should do is show your pet to the doctor.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs animals pets scent perfume Pets 10 June 2023Even expensive perfumes can quickly evaporate from the skin if stored in the wrong place.
Dmitry Bobrovich perfume aroma board storage Useful tips 21 May 2023There are a number of factors that affect the longevity of a perfume, but the problem is not always related to the quality of the perfume.
Dmitry Bobrovich scent aroma perfume error Useful tips 7 May 2023