Simply picking off the leaves of tomatoes is not a scientific approach, but rather sabotage.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing tomatoes plant care mistakes of summer residents a large tomato harvest Garden and Vegetable GardenWe tell you how to increase the cucumber harvest using soda and bay leaf.
Timur Khomichev cucumbers soda soda for cucumbers bay leaf fertilizer for cucumbers Garden and Vegetable GardenIn January, the dollar exchange rate against the Russian ruble may fall, but a rise is also possible.
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Igor Zur frying onions and carrots culinary mistakes Chef's Tips cooking vegetables CookingExperts have debunked three of the most ridiculous myths about cats - they are not stupid, they are not selfish and they have one life.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners myths about cats cat health pets and animals intelligence PetsThe Council of Ministers has amended regulations on issues of state benefits for families raising children.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News benefits child benefits changes SocietyThe doctor explained whether diabetics can consume alcohol, potatoes and bread on New Year's Eve.
Igor Zur healthy eating doctor's advice diabetes mellitus New Year diet DietsSlowing down of a smartphone is usually associated with memory clutter.
Timur Khomichev telephone smartphone smartphone is slow phone smartphones TechnologiesThere is no meal schedule that works for everyone, but you can create one that is tailored to your individual needs.
Igor Zur diet medical advice Rospotrebnadzor diet maintain health Beauty and healthChildren's endocrinologist Daria Khaikina told us which New Year's dishes are not suitable for children.
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Igor Zur dreams research by scientists scientific facts mental health consequences of stress People and EventsThe Ministry of Education of Belarus has determined the points and dates for conducting centralized testing in 2025.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News CT | Centralized testing Ministry of Education resolution SocietyThe psychologist is confident that the question of the existence of Santa Claus is resolved naturally.
Igor Zur Advice to parents advice from psychologists Father Frost child development New Year gifts ChildrenWith the departure of the Pugacheva family, Nadezhda Kadysheva can lay claim to the main place under the sun of Russian show business.
Igor Zur Nadezhda Kadysheva Alla Pugacheva criticism Russian pop music youth Show businessThe head of state spoke on this topic while answering questions from the media after the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting.
Timur Khomichev Alexander Lukashenko Belarus Russia Belarus News News of Russia missile weapons PoliticsIn what cases can working together ruin a marital relationship and are there any exceptions?
Igor Zur healthy relationships family happiness Advice for lovers married couple career and work Love and FamilyNutritionist Artem Opalnitsky told us how to make the New Year's table healthy.
Timur Khomichev New Year's table New Year's dishes New Year's salads festive table healthy food CookingExperienced gardeners told us what natural additives they usually use to feed peppers.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents growing peppers ash as fertilizer top dressing natural fertilizer Garden and Vegetable GardenNutritionist Lyubov Gorelova tells how to celebrate the New Year without a hangover.
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