What homemade food can you give to your cat without worrying about its health?
Igor Zur cat food home cooking Tips for cat owners veterinarian Pets 21 January 2025It is possible that your pet has developed very serious health problems.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior facts about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 11 January 2025Experts have named foods that should not be fed to a cat after surgery.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat diet operation vet for cat Pets 5 January 2025Experts have debunked three of the most ridiculous myths about cats - they are not stupid, they are not selfish and they have one life.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners myths about cats pets and animals intelligence Pets 26 December 2024How do you know if your cat is getting old if you don't know how old the animal is?
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners age of cat how to understand your pet facts about cats Pets 25 December 2024In general, walking indoor cats is not contraindicated, but in severe frosts it is better to keep them away from the street.
Igor Zur longhaired cats severe frosts Tips for cat owners cat in the apartment Pets 24 December 2024Despite having thick fur and living in a house or apartment, some cats need to be kept warm in winter.
Igor Zur There are cats living in the apartment domestic cat breeds winter Pets 27 November 2024Experts dispel popular myths about castration and sterilization - about the first offspring, lifestyle and more.
Igor Zur castration myths about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 26 November 2024Experts have named three popular cat breeds that live on average up to 6 years.
Igor Zur characteristics of cat breeds Tips for cat owners pets veterinarian Pets 19 November 2024How to organize proper nutrition for a cat in the autumn-winter period.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners healthy diet upbringing Pets 15 November 2024Three reasons why a cat sneeze and when the animal may need veterinary help.
Igor Zur veterinarian Tips for cat owners sneezing symptoms Pets 2 October 2024Veterinarians have named three reasons for vomiting in cats related to food.
Igor Zur pet food Tips for cat owners veterinarian mistakes Pets 30 September 2024Three cat breeds that react badly to an unhealthy diet - developing obesity, diabetes and heart problems.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners pet food poor nutrition cat breeds Pets 26 September 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why a cat may twitch in its sleep.
Marina Michalap cat diseases keeping cats cats Pets 11 September 2024What danger does chlorine pose to a cat's health?
Igor Zur signs about cats Tips for cat owners poisoning Pets 11 September 2024Not everyone knows how to choose quality cat food.
Marina Michalap cat food Pets 2 September 2024How to trim a cat's claws and what you need for this - it's easier to get used to a scratching post.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners pets the cat is tearing up the furniture board Pets 20 August 2024Not everyone knows whether it is possible to treat a cat with meat and how to do it correctly.
Marina Michalap cat nutrition how to feed a cat Pets 18 August 2024A veterinarian dispelled the myth about the harm of raw meat and liver for cats.
Igor Zur pet food vitamins vet for cat myths about cats Pets 13 August 2024A list of plants that pose a threat to domestic cats and dogs has been compiled.
Igor Zur dog health indoor plants poisonous plants board Pets 16 July 2024