When a cat found on the street or taken from a shelter appears in the house, the owner has a need to determine its age.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals age Pets 11 June 2024Experts have explained in which cases walking your cat outside will be beneficial, and when it is better not to try.
Igor Zur cat health Tips for cat owners useful tips and life hacks Pets 3 April 2024Experts have explained why cats should not be fed dog food.
Igor Zur choice of food mistakes Tips for cat owners dog food Pets 27 March 2024Old age affects cats the same way it affects people: health problems arise.
Kurchev Anton cat health cat care the rules diet Pets 20 March 2024Domestic cats usually live 12-18 years. Occasionally, fluffy creatures live up to 20 years. But among the representatives of the Felidae family, there are super-long-livers.
Kurchev Anton facts about cats life expectancy old age food Records and anti-records 12 March 2024Older pets need more responsible care.
Olga Kotova cats There are cats living in the apartment cat pets Pets 28 February 2024Cats and cats create a special coziness in the house. At the same time, every animal owner wants his pet to live as long as possible.
Olga Kotova cats cats pets and animals breeds Records and anti-records 10 February 2024When a cat reaches old age, every loving owner begins to seriously worry about their pet.
Kurchev Anton cats cat health life expectancy board Pets 16 January 2024We'll tell you how to convert a cat's age into human age.
Timur Khomichev cat cats cats Pets 6 December 2023