We'll tell you the reason for this behavior.
Timur Khomichev the cat bites why does a cat bite cats cat behavior Pets 4 October 2024This is completely normal behavior for cats, experts say.
Timur Khomichev cats the cat bites why does a cat bite cat behavior Pets 18 September 2024The volume of the sound it produces is 54.59 dB.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records purr the loudest purr Records and anti-records 17 September 2024Experts strongly recommend against doing this.
Timur Khomichev cats cat nutrition cat food cat diet Pets 17 September 2024Experts in the field of veterinary medicine and animal psychology recommend not leaving a cat at home alone for more than a day.
Timur Khomichev cats cats pets pets Pets 13 September 2024Making friends between different species of animals can be difficult, especially if they are cats and dogs.
Valeria Kisternaya animals friendship dog Pets 18 July 2024It is extremely important for cats to control their territory. A closed door violates the integrity of their possessions, creating an inaccessible zone.
Sergey Tumanov Top news house doors cats Pets 17 July 2024The choice of sleeping place in cats is closely related to their natural instincts.
Sergey Tumanov Top news dreams house cat behavior Pets 17 July 2024To understand your cat, it is important to correctly interpret the sounds it makes.
Timur Khomichev cats sound sounds cat sounds Pets 5 July 2024We tell you how cats use their behavior to indicate the presence of negativity in the house.
Timur Khomichev cats cats pets animals Pets 4 July 2024This phenomenon raises many questions and speculations, but rarely does anyone think about the reasons for such behavior.
Sergey Tumanov Top news dreams habits cat behavior Pets 30 June 2024Don't scold or punish your pet for this! Most likely, the purr demonstrates such behavior for a "good" reason.
Kurchev Anton cat behavior reasons cat and man Tips for cat owners Pets 29 June 2024The first step to solving the problem is understanding the reason for the cat's behavior.
Sergey Tumanov Top news cats walk life hacks Pets 28 June 2024Many people think that cats are indifferent and emotionless animals. But this is not quite the right conclusion.
Kurchev Anton human behavior emotions facts about cats problems Pets 28 June 2024When a cat grabs a person's hand with its paws, it can release its claws. Everything is clear here. But sometimes fluffy creatures use the so-called "soft grip".
Kurchev Anton cat behavior cat paws facts about cats pet the cat Pets 27 June 2024Contrary to popular belief, cats do not always choose the most caring person in the house as their owner.
Timur Khomichev cats cats pets pets Pets 26 June 2024The fact is that some human characteristics are perceived by fluffy creatures with bewilderment.
Kurchev Anton cat behavior facts about cats cat owner interesting facts Pets 26 June 2024With this position, the pet exposes one of the most vulnerable parts of its body - the stomach.
Kurchev Anton cat behavior back safety facts about cats Pets 26 June 2024A cat will not run at the first call of a person, like a dog, if at the moment it does not need anything from him.
Timur Khomichev cats cats pets animals Pets 25 June 2024We tell you how our furry pets indicate the presence of negativity in the house.
Timur Khomichev cats cats pets pets Pets 25 June 2024