If your pet sleeps on your pillow while you're at work, he's marking his territory, reminding you who's boss.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners how to understand your pet mistakes smells Pets 26 February 2025Are you touched when a cat places a “gift” at your feet, or do you grimace in disgust?
Valeria Kisternaya cat animals cats Pets 26 February 2025Cats are genius manipulators, and their meowing has long ceased to be just “speech”.
Kurchev Anton cats cat meowing facts about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 25 February 2025You find your cat in the washing machine, in the laundry drawer, or even in the microwave (yes, it happens!).
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 24 February 2025Scientists do not doubt one circumstance – the ability of pets to sense natural disasters.
Igor Zur interesting facts science predictions Tips for cat owners Pets 24 February 2025Do you wake up to noise at 3am?
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 23 February 2025It turns out that this is how the cat is displaying an ancient instinct that has saved the lives of its ancestors for thousands of years.
Kurchev Anton cat box facts about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 21 February 2025Have you ever wondered why your furry dictator suddenly turns into an obstacle between you and your laptop screen?
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals laptop Pets 21 February 2025Are you sure your cat sleeps all 8 hours?
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 18 February 2025Have you found a dead mouse or bird on the carpet?
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 17 February 2025Are you sure your cat loves you when she purrs on your lap or rubs against your legs?
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 13 February 2025Every night, your cat curls up next to your pillow and you fall asleep to the sound of his soft purring.
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 10 February 2025You buy tape and covers, but by morning your sofa looks like a battlefield again?
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 10 February 2025Do you think your pet just sleeps at your feet?
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 10 February 2025You pet a cat, it purrs, and you are sure that this is a sign of bliss?
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 9 February 2025Surprisingly, this habit hides a whole world of cat instincts and behavioral characteristics.
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 6 February 2025Beloved plants are suffering, and all attempts to protect them seem useless.
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 5 February 2025The mesmerizing tail dance in sleep hides many interesting physiological and behavioral features.
Valeria Kisternaya cats animals Pets 2 February 2025What does a cat mean when it literally "invades" your personal space?
Valeria Kisternaya cats animals Pets 31 January 2025It's getting dark outside, and the house cat suddenly comes to life and takes up an observation post at the front door.
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats Pets 30 January 2025