Cats are carnivores and are nocturnal in the wild.
Valeria Kisternaya cats animals pets Pets 14 January 2025There is a common belief among pet lovers that dogs become attached to their owners, while cats do not. But in reality, it is not that simple.
Kurchev Anton cats cat breeds facts about cats interesting facts Pets 29 December 2024We explain why cats often choose this particular place to sleep.
Timur Khomichev cat cats cat behavior Cat Habits Pets 28 December 2024We will tell you by what signs you can determine that your cat is sick and asking for help.
Timur Khomichev cat cat behavior disease cats Pets 24 December 2024Cats like silence, darkness, coolness and comfort.
Kurchev Anton cats sink bathroom interesting facts Pets 18 December 2024In the United States, a cat traveled from Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming to the town of Roseville in California.
Igor Zur pets and animals interesting facts journey United States of America Pets 5 December 2024Dramatic changes in a cat's behavior may indicate that it is about to die.
Timur Khomichev cat cats cats Pets 2 December 2024When an animal purrs, it means not only relaxation, but also trust in a person.
Igor Zur facts about cats Tips for cat owners pets Gratitude Pets 2 December 2024We tell you how cats apologize to their owners.
Timur Khomichev cat an apology cats Pets 30 November 2024You can rejoice: the fluffy one is trying to... smile at you.
Kurchev Anton pets smile interesting facts facts about cats Pets 28 November 2024A cat that sleeps with its owner confesses its love and affection to him, but there are also selfish reasons.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners pets facts about cats Pets 25 November 2024Purrs love silence. They don't like loud sounds.
Kurchev Anton pets cats and people facts about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 16 November 2024You can find a huge number of videos on the Internet, the main characters of which are cats who are scared because of a cucumber.
Kurchev Anton pets fear reasons Tips for cat owners Pets 11 November 2024A cat that throws things on the floor has no desire to anger its owner and create a mess in the apartment.
Kurchev Anton pets reasons facts about cats Pets 5 November 2024Cats can surprise their owners not only with cute purring and funny antics. Sometimes they demonstrate quite human feelings.
Sergey Tumanov pets jealousy facts about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 2 November 2024The cats change their behavior before or immediately after certain difficulties arise.
Kurchev Anton pets weather facts about cats Pets 1 November 2024Cats are famous for their independent character, but at the same time they often choose their owner’s place for rest.
Sergey Tumanov pets facts about cats reasons Tips for cat owners Pets 28 October 2024At first glance, this may seem strange, but this action has deep roots.
Sergey Tumanov pets facts about cats interesting facts Pets 26 October 2024Many people know that cats are drawn to plants, but not everyone knows what drives animals.
Marina Michalap cats facts about cats indoor flowers Pets 15 October 2024Many owners of furry creatures do not always manage to get a good night's sleep. In each case, their four-legged friend interferes: either he scratches at the door, or starts "running" along the shelves, or meows loudly.
Kurchev Anton pets Tips for cat owners Pets 11 October 2024