Cats know when you usually return and may meet you at the door not because they are bored, but because their internal clock tells them it is time.
Igor Zur animal care pets There are cats living in the apartment Tips for cat owners Pets 6 March 2025Have you ever noticed how a cat purrs when you pet it, then suddenly bites your hand and runs away? It seems like a whim, but in fact you are breaking its limit.
Kurchev Anton cat caring for cats pet the cat Tips for cat owners Pets 2 March 2025You pet your cat, and it purrs like a little motor. It seems like the sound of happiness. But in fact, purring is not only about pleasure.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior sounds interesting facts Pets 1 March 2025Cats are creatures with a unique perception of the world, and their behavior often holds mysteries that their owners are not even aware of.
Igor Zur cat behavior Tips for cat owners how to understand your pet cat in the apartment Pets 28 February 2025Have you ever noticed how your cat turns into a furry detective the moment you close the door?
Kurchev Anton cat cat in the apartment cat behavior doors Pets 26 February 2025A half-dead mouse on a rug or a dead beetle on a pillow: cats consider these “trophies” to be the height of generosity.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior reasons Tips for cat owners Pets 25 February 2025She flew down at a speed of 100 km/h, turning over in the air, and landed on the asphalt.
Kurchev Anton cat fall interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 25 February 2025Cats are genius manipulators, and their meowing has long ceased to be just “speech”.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior cat meowing Tips for cat owners Pets 25 February 2025It turns out that this is how the cat is displaying an ancient instinct that has saved the lives of its ancestors for thousands of years.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior box Tips for cat owners Pets 21 February 2025A cat that licks your face may think of itself as the leader of your "pack."
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior cat health Tips for cat owners Pets 21 February 2025Is your cat chasing a red dot along the walls, digging its claws into the carpet and knocking down everything in its path? You laugh as you film it, but behind those "cute" jumps lies a cruel truth.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior toys Tips for cat owners Pets 21 February 2025Are you sure your cat likes your petting? If she suddenly bites your hand, you may be violating her personal boundaries.
Kurchev Anton cat pet the cat mistakes Tips for cat owners Pets 21 February 2025Your pet doesn't have any evil plans - he's just following his instincts.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior things in the apartment Tips for cat owners Pets 21 February 2025A few sad moments from a cat's life that ruin her everyday life and holidays.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners pets caring for cats pet food Pets 20 February 2025According to Russian bloggers, cheap cat food can cause vomiting, diarrhea and renal colic.
Igor Zur pets and animals pet food quality facts about dogs Pets 14 February 2025The researchers suggested that at such moments the animal is completely calm and close to the human feeling of happiness.
Igor Zur cat behavior research Tips for cat owners pets and animals Pets 12 February 2025An American scientist explained which laws of physics help cats survive falls from great heights.
Igor Zur physics research by scientists science pets and animals Pets 5 February 2025The most effective, simple and humane way to calm a koa at night has been named - in a few seconds without water or slippers.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners tricks cat behavior pets and animals Pets 31 January 2025A cat may growl and hiss at other pets and even at humans, but often this problem can be easily solved.
Igor Zur cat behavior Tips for cat owners how to feed a cat pets Pets 30 January 2025What is it about this popular tropical fruit that scares our meowing four-legged friends so much?
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior banana Tips for cat owners Pets 22 January 2025