Everyone, or most people, remember this story about the Cheshire cat's smile. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with real life.
It is not for nothing that felinologists, dog handlers and other domestic animal experts are calling on people to stop humanizing the habits of their pets.
But as for the question of a cat's smile, it still continues to occupy the minds of scientists and ordinary people.

Cat smile
The suggestion came after people began to notice the animal squinting, which is accompanied by a blissful slow movement of the eyelids.
This is how the version was born that if a cat blinks slowly, it is in a good mood.
Next, an interesting experiment was conducted.
In response, the scientists blinked slowly as they looked at the cat. Strangely, the cat responded in kind.
What does all this mean?
The researchers suggested that at such moments the animal is completely calm and close to the human feeling of happiness.
Scientists also confidently say that cats are good at sensing a person’s mood and even react to their owners’ smiles.
But as for the ability to smile, it is rather a demonstration of the animal’s good mood.
Instead, the pet can “butt” the owner with its head, knead with its paws, bring toys, lick hair or hands and, of course, purr.