life expectancy

old age

Many people want to live long. However, few people think about what condition they will be in when they get older.

Kurchev Anton old age how to improve memory useful habits reading Beauty and health 2 October 2024

You can calculate how long you will live using such factors as your own habits, lifestyle, and heredity in the “calculator”.

Pavel Gospodarik Top news Human life life hacks People and Events 10 August 2024

Proper nutrition is the key to a cat's longevity. If the fluffy one eats only high-quality products, it will certainly live a long time.

Kurchev Anton pets how to feed a cat how to prolong the life of a cat Tips for cat owners Pets 11 July 2024

Rats are intelligent and social creatures, and if you choose one as a pet, you probably want it to stay with you for as long as possible.

Elena Shimanovskaya rat pets and animals rodents decorative rats Pets 23 June 2024

Sections of the genome have been discovered that “add” several years of life to a person as a “bonus”.

Pavel Gospodarik Top news scientists life longevity Beauty and health 7 April 2024

Many people choose rats as pets, which is not surprising, because these animals are very smart and social.

Elena Shimanovskaya rat pets pets and animals how long do rats live Pets 1 April 2024

Domestic cats usually live 12-18 years. Occasionally, fluffy creatures live up to 20 years. But among the representatives of the Felidae family, there are super-long-livers.

Kurchev Anton facts about cats age of cat old age food Records and anti-records 12 March 2024

When a cat reaches old age, every loving owner begins to seriously worry about their pet.

Kurchev Anton cats age of cat cat health board Pets 16 January 2024