There is a common belief among pet lovers that dogs become attached to their owners, while cats do not. But in reality, it is not that simple.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior facts about cats interesting facts Pets 29 December 2024The average lifespan of domestic cats is about 14-15 years. However, every owner wants their four-legged friend to live a few years longer.
Kurchev Anton cats life expectancy health longevity of cats Pets 24 December 2024Not all people who decide to get a kitten are ready for surprises. Some would like to be guaranteed to get a friendly pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals domestic cat breeds Pets 19 December 2024Are you a dog owner, but want to get a cat? Be careful! If you choose the wrong breed, it will be very difficult for the purr to live in your house.
Kurchev Anton cats dog cat and dog Tips for dog owners Pets 12 December 2024According to experts, the Siamese cat has the worst character - it creates problems out of the blue.
Igor Zur pets and animals cat character cat behavior board Pets 11 December 2024Cats can be a wonderful companion for you, but not all breeds have this “function”.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals pets Pets 4 December 2024Five breeds of cats that are recommended for those who want to get maximum pleasure from contact with a pet.
Igor Zur cat behavior pets and animals Tips for cat owners attention Pets 3 December 2024The most loyal cats to humans are considered to be the Siamese, Ragdoll and Maine Coon.
Igor Zur facts about cats cat in the apartment cat behavior Tips for cat owners Pets 26 November 2024Five cat breeds that won't require frequent trips to the vet are naturally healthy.
Igor Zur cat diseases Tips for cat owners veterinarian immunity Pets 25 November 2024The shortest cat in the world may be the cat Pixel - her height does not exceed 12 centimeters.
Igor Zur animal records Guinness Book of Records interesting records pets Records and anti-records 19 November 2024At the World Cat Show in Oslo, the most beautiful pet was recognized as a cat named Bacardi, a representative of the Russian Blue breed.
Igor Zur pets Media | Mass Media cat character Pets 10 November 2024Siberian cats are majestic cats with thick fur and powerful paws that have won the hearts of many Soviet citizens.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals USSR Pets 3 November 2024The world of cats can only be described as amazing.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals Records and anti-records 25 October 2024A new breed of cat, the Transylvanian, has been discovered in Romania.
Igor Zur Romania cat behavior research by scientists animals Pets 28 September 2024Three cat breeds that react badly to an unhealthy diet - developing obesity, diabetes and heart problems.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat health pet food poor nutrition Pets 26 September 2024Not everyone knows which cat breeds are ideal for seniors.
Marina Michalap elderly people facts about cats Pets 19 September 2024Three breeds of cats have been named whose character does not create problems for their owners.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat care pets cat fur Pets 17 September 2024The three most expensive cat breeds have been named: serval, savannah and Bengal.
Igor Zur facts about cats interesting facts Pets 10 September 2024The five largest heavyweight cats in the world - weight can reach 15 kg.
Igor Zur facts about cats pets cat character Tips for cat owners Pets 9 September 2024List of the largest breeds of domestic cats: not only Maine Coon - there are plenty to choose from.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners facts about cats pets characteristics of cat breeds Pets 7 September 2024